Double Minded - Faith

Scripture Reading - James 1:8 KJV

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

In our everyday life we have plenty of opportunities to be “double minded”. When we (ihlcc) are referring to “double mindedness” we are speaking on two types of “double mindedness”. First type is in reference to the scripture shared today which means when we are speaking God’s Word to obtain a promise of God we need to keep our tongue strictly speaking the Word of God. This means that speaking God’s Word and then speaking the words of the problem is problematic. The God kind of faith speaks God’s Word faithfully in the midst of contrary circumstances because that faith filled individual knows God’s Word is good for any contrary situation that is outside of God’s Will (out of alignment with God’s Word for their life). Those who boldly and consistently speak (confess) God’s Word place God directly into their situation through the Word of God being spoken over and into the problem. If we constantly speak the problem we give the devil legal right to prosper in his work against us. However, on the contrary when we speak God’s Word in the authority of the Name of Jesus we give God the legal right to manifest His Power and His Glory into our personal situation through the grace of God. Please remember whatever you bind on earth is captured (bound) in Heaven and likewise whatever you loose on earth is released (loosened) in Heaven. We are speaking of your words in the Name of Jesus establishing God’s promises (God’s Will) in this earth, exactly where you live. Yes, this is one reason why it is so important to remove all “double mindedness” from your heart during the trying (testing, tempting) of your faith. The enemy of our soul gains access to our mind through (or by) the power of suggestion. Yes, his thoughts spoken from our mouth are the spark plugs of his power. The devil’s power is usually magnified when we say about ourselves what he is saying about us. Simple rule of thumb, “if it is good it is God, if it is not good, it is not God or God’s Will for our life. The deceiver will place a negative thought inside the atmosphere of your mind to try to get your attention. This task is very easy to do when you are dealing with something naturally because the problem could be staring you right in the face. If the thoughts are bad don’t repeat them but rather resist them in the Name of Jesus by speaking God’s Rich Good Word out loud (His Promise according to the scriptures coming out of your mouth). The devil knows how much influence he has in your life by your words and actions. Likewise, the Lord also knows how much influence He has in your everyday life by what you are saying and doing. This is why the scriptures encourage us to be doers of God’s Word not hearers only in James 1:22 because the reality is if you hear God’s Voice (His Word speaking to you) and you choose not to do God’s Will (His Word) you will be deceived or you are presently deceived into thinking you don’t need to follow God’s instructions for Christians and all mankind. Deception is a crafty tool used by the enemy because it has millions of people thinking that what they say really does not matter but the Holy Bible states, “Life and Death are in the power (ability) of the tongue”.-Proverbs 18:21a Therefore Believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ must resist “double mindedness” by speaking God’s Word solely and whole-heartedly. “Single mindedness” on God’s Word establishes purpose, direction and vision in your life. All these items combine to give the believer a firm foundation in Christ Jesus. So resist the temptation to think about evil things and/or problems that are not God’s Will for your life. The only way you are going to know what is not God’s Will is by first knowing what is God’s Will for your life according to His Word. Remember every “double minded” man, woman and child is unstable and this instability gives the evil one all the leverage he needs to successfully work against you (defeat you). So be smarter than that by removing all “double mindedness” by being “single minded” in thought, in word and in deed unto the glory of God the Father in the image of Jesus Christ. When you do this consistently you will be surprised how clear your thinking will be and that clear, focused thinking will quicken the Godly results we all desire in this life (on earth) and the life to come (in Heaven). Dear saint, we (ihlcc) not only what you to know about God but our prayer and desire is that you are like God in deed (power) and in truth (words). Amen.